Welcome to my website!!
9/16: Customer Persona for First National Bank-Done
9/16: Customer Persona for Farmers Union Insurance-Done
9/30: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
10/14: Content creation with AI for First National Bank: Customer persona, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Content creation, Image creation
11/4: Content creation with AI for Farmers Union Insurance Customer persona, Search Engin Optimization (SEO), Content creation, Image creation
11/11: Review analysis for First National Bank
11/18: Review analysis for Farmers Union Insurance
11/25: Web analysis
12/9: Final report
This website will consist of what is happening in the Sturgis SD area and what I will be doing at work and school through out the rest of 2024! I am excited to grow through this experience and happy to have you along for the journey!!