
Farmers Union Insurance

Farmers Union Insurance

  1. Demographic Information
  • Age: 18+
  • Gender: Male or Female
  • Location: Anywhere in the United States.
  • Education Level: Anyone that has personal property of any sorts that might be affected by nature.
  • Occupation: simple jobs to the highest level of jobs.
  • Marital Status: Any
  • Household Size: Single to many.
  1. Psychographic Information
  • Interests & Hobbies: Can vary between people and family.
  • Values & Beliefs: Sustainability is what of the strongest values and beliefs because people want to know that their belongings are covered.
  • Lifestyle: Making sure that if something happens they want to know they are going to be ok.
  • Personality Traits: Non risk takers.
  • Motivations: Security is the biggest motivation for customers
  • Challenges & Pain Points: Trying to decide which plan is the best for them.
  1. Behavioral Information
  • Buying Behavior: They shop once, then if prices go up they might try to shop for other plans or companies.
  • Product/Service Usage: Use the insurance when something happens to their property, they find it most valuable because they have the comfort of having that protection.
  • Online Behavior: Interaction on line depends on the age and the lifestyle of customers.
  • Customer Journey: Hear from other people the products and prices that we offer and then they find out how we can help them to cover their property best.
  1. Goals and Objectives
  • Short-Term Goals: Coverage incase something happens
  • Long-Term Goals: Know that they their long-term investments are covered, such as their home.
  • How Your Product/Service Helps: They align with the goals of keeping the property safe.
  1. Objections and Concerns
  • Potential Barriers: They don’t have the money or they don’t have products that need coverage.
  • Common Questions: What is the price of the policy, how much is the deductible, and what is covered.
  1. Influence Factors
  • Influencers: Peers would be the best influencers.
  • Media Consumption: Varies from customer to customer
  1. Quotes & Real-Life Examples
  • Case Studies: People having casualties and the company being friendly and prompt with claims.
  1. Name and Visual Representation
  • Persona Name: Lets Insure
  • Photo/Image: